Surely everyone wants to stay looking young. While, there is no fountain of youth waiting to be found by intrepid explorers, as far as we know, there is an abundance of anti-aging creams on the market that claim to prevent or reverse the signs of aging. But do those creams actually work? Well, to some degree, many do indeed help to put the brakes on your skin aging. However, if you want to really see results, you should consider using specially customized skincare treatments rather than over-the-counter products.

PHOTO CREDIT | Unsplash/Park Street

PHOTO CREDIT | Unsplash/Park Street

The Key Ingredients of Anti-aging Creams 

Whether an anti-aging cream actually works depends on the ingredients it contains. Retinol is one of the key ingredients that can help to prevent wrinkles. As you age, your body naturally loses vitamin A. In turn, that means you are more susceptible to gaining wrinkles and a dull complexion. Retinol can reverse that by increasing cell turnover, building collagen, and improving discoloration. Antioxidants are also commonly used in anti-aging creams because they protect your skin from things like pollution and UV damage.

However, even though such ingredients help to prevent or reverse the signs of aging, they need to come in a high enough concentration to work. Furthermore, everyone’s skin is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution. That is one reason why you should get customized anti-aging treatments instead.

Why You Should Get Customized Treatments

The aging process is driven by genes. But the way that your individual skin ages is not necessarily going to be the same as someone else’s. Everyone has a unique skin type. With a customized skincare treatment, such as those available from NavaMD.com, you can get treatment for your specific skin type.

So, how does customized treatment work? The process is straightforward. You complete an online consultation with a qualified clinician. Based on the consultation, a dermatologically designed product will be created, tailored to your exact skin type and taking into account any other health issues you may have. Unlike over-the-counter products, the ingredients that go into your customized treatment are carefully chosen and mixed in the right concentration levels to produce a unique anti-aging cream. You then simply purchase the cream and have it delivered to your doorstep.

A Customized Treatment Is Worth the Investment

While it is true that a customized anti-aging treatment usually costs more than over-the-counter products, it is still very affordable and it could save you money in the long term because you will no longer need to experiment with countless products bought from the store. Trying different over-the-counter treatments without knowing which ones are best suited for your skin can soon become a major expense. Besides, when the results of a customized anti-aging cream are so noticeable, it is more than worthwhile investing in it.

In Conclusion

An individual approach to skincare will always work better because experts carefully consider your unique skin type and your precise needs. You can be certain that the right ingredients and the right concentration and mix of ingredients are used for your individual skin’s requirements, as opposed to over-the-counter products that use generic ingredients and levels of concentration. So, if you want to prevent or reverse the signs of aging, you should definitely consider getting a customized treatment that is created by medical professionals. Combine a custom anti-aging cream with a lifestyle that keeps you mentally and physically active, and you can feel and look young for years to come.